BNI Pitch

Listen Carefully

Slide #28 - Ensure you understand the business you are planning on buying. Eliminate ambiguity.

This post is about one of my 45-second pitches at my BNI Chapter, BNI City Business. You can read the introduction to this collection here.

7 October, 2022. The leadership of the BNI Chapters changes every six months in April and October, so this was the first meeting under the new leadership. New presidents will often shake things up a bit, but our basic meeting format was unchanged.

Having already apologised for potentially causing offence the week before, I then went straight in with this. The joke and the message were well linked.

The original meme was a bit too vague, so I created my own (Canva!). I had the cat photo from months earlier when I collected the kitten pic for the Pussycat Porn slide. All I needed was to add the whipped cream and the joke.

The Business Buying Tip message was for buyers to ensure they clearly understood the business they were buying before they took ownership, and to eliminate any uncertainty and ambiguity. Given the meme, I also got to use the term pussillanimous.

The response to the joke was mixed. Some loved it. Some didn’t. As my dad used to say, they probably didn’t understand it. I did notice people at the back of the room needing to stand to read the text at the bottom of the slide, so at least I had their attention.

Want to Know More?

Contact us if you would like to know more about BNI (Business Networking International) or my chapter BNI City BusinessWe welcome visitors.

We meet weekly on Friday mornings 6.30 – 8.30 am. There are other chapters across Auckland that meet on other days, and some at different times.

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